Wedding Weather is awesome. They have this feature that you can look up weather up to 10-days out. Now granted, the weather is bound to change as with all forecasts. Here is a little conversation between me and the future hubz:

“Wanna know the forecast for our wedding is going to be like?” I asked.
“Sure. Wait the weather here or there?” Mr. Yezel posed.
”There….why would I care about here?” Seriously. What a goofy question from my future husband.
“Okay…what is it?” he asked.
“High of 62 and a 10% chance of rain” I answered.
“Hmmm. I want a 90% chance of rain.” Said Mr. Yezel.
“WHAT?” Seriously, is the man nuts?
“Rain on the wedding is good luck!” He continued.
“Just so you know dear, we’re both in this forever. I don’t think we need good luck. We need pretty outdoor photos!” (some fall foliage wouldn’t hurt either.)

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